San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa
Escuela San Miguel de Tulsa
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About San Miguel School
La Escuela San Miguel
The Goal of Our Mission
A San Miguel education is designed to prepare students for high school and beyond - typically college or vocational training - to help them become productive adults and break the cycle of poverty. Funding Our Mission San Miguel is an independent, low tuition driven school, meaning 95% of the operating funds come from donations, grants and fundraising. Parents provide a modest “copay” for their child’s education, and contribute to the school by giving their time and talent. La Escuela San Miguel School está dedicada a ayudar a niños que provienen de condiciones adversas, sin importar su raza, nacionalidad o religión, para que alcancen su éxito académico y personal.
La Meta De Nuestra Misión
El sistema educativo de San Miguel está diseñadp para preparar a los estudiantes para la preparatoria y estudios superiores - generalmente la universidad y certificaciones técnicas - ayudándolos a convertirse en adultos productivos y así romper con el ciclo de pobreza. Contribuyendo Con Nuestra Misión San Miguel es una escuela independeinte y de bajo costo de matrícula, lo cual significa que el 95% de los fondos operativos vienen de donaciones, subvenciones y recaudaciones. Los padres proveen un "pago" modesto para la educación de sus hijos, además, contribuyen con la escuela a través de su tiempo y talento.
Academics The San Miguel school day and academic year are structured to give students grades 6, 7 and 8, a world of opportunities to learn and thrive. Many students arrive two or more years behind academically. Here’s how their needs are addressed:
- Rigorous curriculum
- Dedicated faculty
- Small classes: 12:1 student:teacher ratio
- Extended school days and 9-month school year
- Emphasis on language arts and math
- Emphasis on character building: perseverance, responsibility, positivity and service
- Holistic approach to forming students’ mind, body and spirit
- Learning steeped in the Lasallian Catholic tradition
Perfil Académico La estructura escolar diaria y anual en San Miguel le brinda a los estudiantes del 6to, 7mo, y 8vo grado, un mundo de oportunidades para aprender y prosperar. Muchos de los estudiantea llegan con dos o más años de atraso. Así es como abordamos sus necesidades:
- Curriculum riguroso
- Facultad dedicada
- Clases pequeñas 12:1 Radio de estudiante y maestro
- Días extendidos y año escolar de 9 meses
- Enfásis en Lenguaje, Artes, y Matemáticas.
- Enfásis en definición del carácter: Perseverancia, responsablidad, positivismo y servicio.
- Acercamiento holístico para formar la mente, cuerpo y espíritu de los estudiantes.
- Sistema de aprendizaje de acuerdo con la tradición Católica de la Salle.

School History
La Historia de la Escuela
For more information about donations to our school, please call 918-728-7337
Para más información sobre cómo hacer donaciones para nuestra escuela, por favor comuníquese al 918-728-7337

Leadership Team
- Juan Miret, President
- Susan Rackley, Principal
- Caroline Devonshire, Director of Administration
Support Team
- Icoa León, Family Resource Coordinator
- Jonathan Martínez, Director of Alumni Relations and Enrichment Programs
- Marcela Frescott, Support Coordinator
- Brennan Denzel, ACE Fellow, Math
- Anna Deripaska, Science & P.E.
- Meaghan Heatherman, Social Studies
- Robin Hoefling, Language Arts
- Roonie Leittem-Murrell, Theology
- Ben Malone, Language Arts
- Joe Murrell, Theology
- Cheryl West, Math

Junta Directiva
- Dr. Curt Adams--Professor, The University of Oklahoma
- Jerri Berna--Educator/Coach, Bishop Kelley High School
- MaryBeth DeWitt--Tulsa Innovation Labs
- Jose Erazo--QT
- Tyler Frakes--Land Manager, BRG Energy, Inc.
- Margarita Gaberino--Topeca
- Joe Griffin--CEO, Intensity Midstream, LLC
- Dennis Ingram--President, Arkoma Power
- Allison Lauinger--Philanthropist
- David Limekiller--GableGotwals Law Firm
- Fr. Duy Nguyen--Diocese of Tulsa
- Maria Carlota Palacios--Tulsa Educare
- Alejandra Palomo--Tulsa Innovation Labs
- Bob Sullivan--Owner, Sullivan Oil Company
- Gabriela Meave--Parish of Christ the King
Advisory Board
Junta Asesora
- Kathleen Brulc
- Eric Marshall
- Melissa Minshall Paulsen
- Alan Staab
Parental Tax Choice Credit
It provides a refundable income tax credit of $5,000-$7,500 for eligible Oklahoma Taxpayers who pay, or expect to pay, qualified expenses such as tuition and fees to an eligible private school on behalf of an eligible student that attends or plans to attend an eligible private school during that tax year.

GO for Catholic Schools
Give back to get back.
When you contribute to the GO for Catholic Schools Tax Credit Scholarship Fund, you empower education through scholarships that make a high-quality Catholic education affordable and accessible for more children.

Scholarships for Students in the Diocese of Tulsa
Veritas is a scholarship granting organization (SGO) that provides scholarships to K-12 students in the Diocese of Tulsa to attend accredited Catholic schools in the Diocese. Gifts made through this program provide scholarships to children who would otherwise not be able to afford a quality Catholic education. This program is an easy way to give to Catholic schools in the Diocese and receive an Oklahoma state income tax credit.

Enrollment Information
Información sobre Inscripción
Admission to San Miguel is based on economic and educational need. Families must qualify for the Federal Free or Reduced Lunch program to enroll in San Miguel Tulsa, therefore each student qualifies for scholarship financial aid. (More detail regarding an application and FACT forms are available for parents at the school office). You can also visit the FACT website for more information.
La admisión a San Miguel se basa en las necesidades económicas y educativas. Las familias deben de calificar con el programa Federal de Almuerzos Gratuitos o Reducidos, por lo tanto, cada estudiante califica por una ayuda de beca. (Más detalles sobre la aplicación y las solicitudes FACT están disponibles para los padres en la oficina). También pueden visitar el portal de FACT para más información.The application and admission process will begin on November 15 and conclude on May 14th. Applications may be requested by calling the school office at 918-382-9096.
La solicitud y processo de admisión empieza el 14 de Noviembre y termina el 14 de Mayo. Las solicitudes pueden ser requeridas llamando a la oficina escolar al 918-382-9096.
Job Opportunity
Director of Advancement
We have an exciting opportunity for a proven fundraiser and leader to serve as our next Director of Advancement.
With a primary focus on leading fundraising efforts and increasing revenue to the school, the Director of Advancement is the chief fundraiser for San Miguel.


Haga su Donativo
If you would like to tour the school and meet our students please let us know via the web form in the Contact Us section.
¡Gracias por apoyar a la Escuela San Miguel!
Si le gustaría visitar nuestra escuela y conocer a nuestros estudiantes, por favor, déjenos saber a través del formulario de contacto.

Contact Us
2444 E. Admiral Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74110
School Office: 918-382-9096
Business Office: 918-728-7337